Thursday, January 14, 2010

Chinese Gift Wrap Chinese Wedding Gifts/Bakes/Cookies?

Chinese Wedding Gifts/Bakes/Cookies? - chinese gift wrap

Well, I'm a very amateur baker, I'm good enough to cheesecake, and cookies at a good time. So I'm going to marry my cousin, and I think I will make cookies, Nestle Toll House cookies and. So what is a good number of wrapping cookies?

And other suggestions for wedding gifts? Recipes including those of Chinese buns, etc., etc. THANK YOU


Nancy S said...

When setting cookies, usually 8 fitting into a package, a series of four, four in the top. Here are some sites for you to find the recipes for all Chinese food such as cakes and pastries:

I do not know if there is a cultural form, but for me, if you can not afford a gift, a homemade gift will also be nice to at least the heart is.

ChefCook... said...

I think the food with a useful life is a dangerous thing to give a wedding gift. The fact that the couple will honeymoon? Udokno I like the idea, but I am concerned about the durability.

Darth Yoda said...

When a Chinese wedding, I'm sure he would be a traditional "red envelope estimate"
a cover that is labeled "lucky stuffed money is usually a fixed amount before they will have a large extent.
I know it's very impersonal, but they must think in terms of expenditure, and is a way of not showing any body with a better gift because they are all red envelopes, or vice versa.

Pat C said...

If you could make your browser small enough, you can use it in a container of Pringles. The container can be like a Chinese fireworks are packed. Another suggestion could be the Chinese moon cakes. I think they offered during the Harvest Moon Festival in autumn. Here's a site that is traditional and mellow. I think it is a very sweetly. You need quite a nice young man I hope I was a little help.
PS: You can use a field to decorate the cake decorated cake or cake section of stock holding every major craft store. ...

judy06 said...

Really? It is a marriage between adults is not the birthday girl!

If you do not "keep something better, please place a little money. Cookies?" I do not think so.

Steffie said...

Idea from Pat C is very good, as the feast of the moon now. write, why not "fu" in Chinese on a large PAKER like ink on paper, red and give it to them? also, because it is a marriage, type "Jia" (home) for your taste, a new home for the couple.
ps. I like Chinese calligraphy!

Sophra said...

I LOVE udokno proposal, I use it! How do you get to a Chinese wedding preserve, monetary gifts are also quite acceptable (other cultures) to resist and traditional.

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